St Patrick’s School is committed to excellence in teaching and learning.
The staff, as a learning community, have been able to identify and articulate our shared beliefs about learning:
At St Patrick’s our vision for every classroom is to be a place of:
Precision (point of need) teaching to support all children achieve optimal growth in order to reach their full potential.
We believe that:
Teaching at its Best is…
knowing the student’s exact point of need and their learning style; and knowing how best to engage them and move them on.
Therefore, we will:
- Plan learning of significance to bring about deep knowledge and understanding.
- Have a rich environment (ie. walls that teach/assist learning?).
- Use effectively assessment of, for and as
- Provide meaningful feedback regularly
- Use assessment data to inform teaching (ie. use assessment data to revise my teaching & hence bring about a more effective teaching approach)
- Reduce the number of worksheets to a minimum
- Invest time communicating/working with the parents of my students
- Allocate time for individual and group learning/problem solving
- Know the learning styles and plan activities accordingly
- Know student’s point of need and meet them there planning activities/intervention accordingly
- Move around the classroom questioning and observing students learning/thought processes
- Use a variety of strategies to facilitate learning
- Have a coherent teaching program which follows a common scope and sequence so no gaps occur