Alinta Uniform Shop Opening Hours 2025 - St Patrick's East Gosford

Alinta Uniform Shop Opening Hours 2025

Uniform Shop open hours for January

Friday 24th January 2-4pm

Tuesday 28th January 8.30-10.30am

Friday 31st January 2-4pm

From Tuesday 4th February we return to normal shop opening days.

Opening hours during school term:

Tuesdays – 8:30am – 10:30am

1st Friday of every month: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Payments can be made direct to Alinta Apparel in the form of cash, credit card, or debit credit card. No cheques.

Please see the following link to the Uniform Pricelist on our website:

Uniform Shop – St Patrick’s East Gosford (

Please put child’s name and class on order to help with the delivery to class.

The uniform shop can be contacted outside of business hours by email: T: 0412 087 696